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Day 4: Insanity Workout Review - Cardio Recovery

At 8:30 this morning I woke up still sore and tight from yesterday's workout. I'm actually having dreams about the Insanity workout. I had a dream last night that when I asked my friend what workout I was supposed to do she said, "cardio walk." And I was so happy!! In my dream there was such a relief...but then I woke up...and I was super bummed. I got out of bed and headed downstairs preparing myself mentally for the next workout. I then went and looked at the Shaun T Insanity Calendar, and to my delight, the workout was called "Cardio Recovery." I was excited again, my body needed a serious recovery, and it could not have come at a better time. Now do not get me wrong, this is still a tough workout, it's just not fast paced. Mostly every exercise, balance routine, and stretch is done in a slow methodical motion, with a few exercises going a bit faster. For the most part though, this Insanity workout is slow paced. After the workout my body felt great, my muscles and ligaments felt stretched and almost rejuvenated.

There is not much to say about this workout, expect what I already told you. There is no jumping and no sprinting in the workout. There is a lot of balance moves, some which are taken from Yoga. There are some stretches, mostly hamstring, calves, and groin stretches, and there are lunges and squats. Your legs will definitely be on fire!! The squats and lunges section of the workout is tough, because you hold your positions for a long time and pulse up and down. If you are familiar with Yoga, then you will recognize downward dog, and child's pose, and there is also a stretch that is from Yoga. Overall this Insanity workout is just what the doctor ordered, it is about 35 minutes long, so it goes bye pretty fast.

My nutritional diet was pretty tough to stick to yesterday. I had a sandwich for lunch, but then I headed off to the State Fair with my girlfriend an her sister. It was extremely tough to keep away from the fair food, because I love funnel cakes and elephant ears, plus there is some great BBQ places. The smells are hard to keep away from. I did end up having Prawns that were deep fried and breaded, but that is all I had, which in my book is pretty darn good. I also packed another sandwich that helped me, and my girlfriend kept me strong. When I got home I had a "GOOD" veggie burger with a whole wheat skinny bun (only 100 calories). Today for breakfast I had Kashi cereal, with flax seed and sliced bananas. I am about to have a Shakeology, but lunch through dinner has not yet been decided.

Peace Out.


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