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Day 13: Insanity Workout Review - Ab workout

It's Saturday afternoon, and I have already done my Shaun T Insanity workout, I was super surprised and excited when I woke up this morning because I sleep for nine and a half hours, which is absolutley in credible for me. I usually get around seven and a half hours asleep and I hardly ever sleep in in, but it felt great. However, I was nervous about the workout today, because not only was I supposed to do the Pure Cardio (the workout with no breaks), I was also supposed to day a 20 minute ab workout afterwards. If doing pure cardio isn't already crazy enough...lets detroy your abs in the process too!

Anyway, I got through the first Insanity workout (pure cardio), again, trying to push myself more and more. I do admit I had a hard time this morning getting through this workout, but I got through it and I worked hard. So after about a 40 minute video of working out, I then prepared myslef mentally for the ab workout routine. The Insanity workout guide said that the workout session was 20 minutes long, but it is really only about 16 minutes and 30 seconds long, so that was nice to to find out. The reason I get nervous with ab routines, is because...story time...when I was younger I played on my city's football team, and my first game my ass got knocked back like five yards (little exaggeration). As I was flying through the air, I suddenly realized that I was about to be in a lot of pain. I landed right on my tailbone and I bruised it badly, I was out for five weeks after that. But the problem still bothers me today, anytime I do ab routines where I have to sit on my butt or lean back a little bit, it is hurts a lot. So I was hoping there wasn't any sit down ab workouts in this routine...but there was. I had a hard time doing that part of the workout, but once I got into the plak positions, it felt a lot better, it really is a great workout.

Insanity Workout Nutrition: I did not do the greastest on my Insanity diet last night, I went to PF Changs for one of my best friends birthday parties. I ordered what I thought was fried brown rice with shrimp, but later found out that it was white rice with shrimp. So that was a bummer. Other than that I have been doing pretty good.

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