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Day 12: Insanity Workout Review

So I had to start a little later than normal on my Insanity workout today, but I started and finished the workout. Today's Insanity workout was the Power cardio and resistance disc. I really tried pushing myself harder in this workout today, because I want to see great results...I HAVE to see great results. So today I tried getting higher in my jumps and deeper in my squats, plus I tried to do more push ups...I was pretty beat by the end.

By body feels great, my family and friends can already see a difference in my weight, so that helps to know that people can recognize the weight loss. I do not know if I have lost anymore weight since I last checked, I was at 6 pounds lighter. If I just keep working out and keep sticking to my diet, things are going to be just fine. My body has felt great over the past week, and even though I was super tired after the workout this morning, right now...I fell like I can go biking, hiking, or running. The soreness is gone, and I have been getting good sleep. I do have a hug knot by my right shoulder blade that has been bothering me, especially after push ups or stretching, I might need to go get that massaged out, it has been causing me a lot of pain. I think I need a new mattress.

Insanity Workout Nutrition: I have been doing pretty darn good with my nutrition, my only downfall yesterday was some chicken with the skin...whoops! I can have chicken, but it needs to be without the skin...but I love the's where all the flava is! Today I had a bowl of cereal with non-fat milk, then for my mid-lunch I had all natural peanut putter on whole wheat bread with sliced bananas on top, it was AMAZING!! Tonight I am going to PF Changs for a friends birthday, so I am going to try to stick to the diet, I will probably have some lettuce wraps. Alright see you tomorrow. Get insanity!


Robert said...

Hey keep it up. I am about the same boat as you, just around 200 pounds...but that's my max. You've done great so far in getting this deep into the program and your progress.

One blog note: your link in the sidebar is mis-typed. You have the http:// twice (it's in the Get Insanity link), so the link won't work.

Steve said...

Thanks for the comment, it is nice to hear from people who are doing the workout, let me know how it goes for you.

And thanks for letting me know about my incorrect link.

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