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Day 30: Insanity Workout Review

Today was my second day of the Insanity workout recovery week, it is the same workout as yesterday, and the same workout for the rest of the week. I realized after I posted yesterday that I really did not talk about the workout that much. So I will do so in this post.

So on my 30th day of the Insanity workout I did the Cardio Core and Balance, and even though this is a recovery workout, there are definitely some tough workouts. The warms up are different and not as long, which is a nice change of pace. Usually I am sweating in the first 12 minutes of the warm ups, but there is only about 2and half minutes of warm ups in this workout. The stretching is pretty much the same, but it to is not as long. I kind of wish the stretching was a little longer in the session, with a couple more stretches.

For the workout itself, there are a lot of the same moves, but Shaun T also includes new muscle burning moves. It's a nice change to the insanity workout, because its a new disc with new workouts. There are a couple balance moves that just absolutely burn like crazy. One exercise has you stand on one leg and lift your other leg from the floor to your chest over and over again, then you hold your knee up and pulse it, then still holding your knee up, you start a controlled kick. Then you do the other side, it works out your hip flexors. It is hard to explain, but trust me it burns!!

The last exercise is the hardest! You start in a plie' position or a deep squat position, then you staighten out your arms like a bird, and pulse your arms, there are like four different exercise you so with your shoulders. This goes on for about 3 minutes. Not only are your legs burning like crazy, but your shoulders feel like they are abou to fall off. You have to keep your arm straight the whole time.

Yesterday I did great with my nutrition plan, I also went to the gym last night and did some upper body workouts. Bench press, shoulder press, tricep dips, and shoulder shrugs. I also did some ab routines, and ran for 2 miles. I hope to do this about 2 times a week to see if I can speed up my results even more.

get insanity


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