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Day 16: Insanity Workout Review

Wow I can't believe I'm over half way done with the first month of the Insanity Workout. Even though that is good news, I still have 44 days left to my Insanity workout. I really struggled today to motivate myself to workout today, even through the warm ups I really had a hard time wanting to do the workout. But I forced myself to do it and by the time the workouts came around I was ready to go for it. Today was the Cardio Circuit, which for me is probably the hardest workout, it is the one I struggle with the most. The part I struggle with the most is doing the level one drills, ski jumps, and in and outs, all of these workouts are done in a plank position (push-up position) and are back to back to back. Even though I struggled I still go through the workout and worked hard, I tried getting my knees higher in the workouts and tried getting deeper in my squats.

I went to go weigh myself today, and I am still at 200 pounds, so the weight loss count is still at 6 lbs. I blame it mostly because of my, eating because recently I have struggled giving into temptations like a Cheeseburger and fries at the Mariners game, some popcorn with butter last night. I need to get back on track. It's hard to stick with the diet because all of the working out is making me more hungry, so when I get hungry...I get REALLY hungry.

Insanity Workout Nutrition Plan - Today I have had a bowl of cereal with flax seed and non-fat milk, then I had a slice of whole wheat bread with ll natural peanut butter. I am right now thawing some elk hamburger, so I can make some whole wheat burritos tonight. I am also going to have a turkey burger and some shrimp for lunch. Hopefully by the end of the week I can have some more weight loss results, if I don't...I am going to have a hard time staying motivated.

Read My Insanity workout review for week 2


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