So on Saturday I was out of town camping with my churches Men's Retreat, I had a really great time, but unfortunantely I missed an Insanity workout. I missed the Plyometric cardio circuit, also known as the Cardio Circuit if anyone who is doing the workout gets confused. I was going to make up the Insanity workout on Sunday, but I played about 2 hours of football on Sunday with all the guys, so my body was pretty sore.
Because I played football on Saturday, I feel okay about missing my Insanity workout, I still got a great workout running up and down the field. I was aslo very impressed with how I felt playing football. I felt great the whole time we were playing, I felt like I was in the best shape of my life, my feet were quick and I was out running people and out jumping people. There was only one time I actually started breathing hard, but I was moving the whole time. So I give my hat off to the Insanity workout for getting me in shape so that I could have three touchdowns and 3 interceptions, and a few pass blocks. I was all over the place!! was super fun.
Since I was having all my meals cooked for me, there was just no way to stick to the nutrition plan this weekend. I also had some rice crispy treats at the retreat too.
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